Carers And Parents in Enfield
CAPE is a group of carers and parents (and relatives) of adults aged 18 years and over with learning disabilities in Enfield.
CAPE is changing the time and location of its meetings. We hope that this will make it easier for carers of adults with learning disabilities to come to our meetings. Carers of young people who are in transition are also welcome to join us.
We meet every two months.
From 2020, our regular meetings will take place on a Monday, from 10.00 a.m. until 12.30 p.m. at:
IWE Park Avenue Disability Resource Centre
65C Park Avenue
There is convenient car parking available in the surrounding streets, and The Disability Resource Centre is served by
several bus routes.
Dates of future meetings:
Members will be informed of speakers and topics before the meetings
05/12/2022 Winter Party and Lunch (extended meeting time)
At Park Avenue Resource Centre, Ground Floor, 65c Park Avenue, Enfield EN1 2HH
Dates of past meetings:
03/10/2022 - Josie Mytil, Enfield Welfare Benefits Team
01/08/2022 - Chris Reddin & Liz Griffiths, Enfield L.D. Commissioning & Brokerage Team
06/06/2022 - Shared Lives (Speaker did not attend)
06/06/2022 - Nacer Boussebha, Shared Lives Scheme
04/04/2022 - Christine Towers, Together Matters, Thinking Ahead - Planning for the Future
07/02/2022 - Members' Meeting, Charging Policy Consultation, etc.
06/12/2021 - Roger Galloway, Honey Legal, Wills & Trusts, LPAs, etc.
11/10/2021 - Speaker Sarah Pope, Head of the Integrated Learning Disabilities Nursing Service
09/08/2021 - Speaker Vicky Main, Head of the Integrated Learning Disabilities Service
10/02/2020 - Speaker Sarah Carney, Wellbeing Manager IWE Enfield
09/12/2019 - Christmas Party
14/10/2019 - Healthwatch and Our Voice
12/08/2019 - Niel Niehorster – Head of ILDS
01/07/2019 - Geoff Lambrick – Head of Care Management
15/04/2019 - General Issues